PRESIDENTS: Alejandra Álzate and Sebastián Sierra.
10BC & 10BC
Jerónimo Giraldo                

TOPIC: Animals used for events, shows and hardwork ("corralejas", bullfighting and foxes).

Colombia has adopted several laws to protect animals from more than 35 years; however, we see that every day is still present multiple violations of the rights of animals, although there are some organizations that have tried to move a little on the subject, there is not much to be done. At least some people try to help but not enough. All this happens because in Colombia the education has not led to generations to have full awareness of respect for life, both human and animal.
But the main question to ask us Colombians is ¿How can we start and where?
The first and most effective, would provide comprehensive training from children to adults principles and based on respect and compliance with the rules of both animals and human values, not because they are written in the constitution and laws, but because they are part of our culture, our way of thinking and acting in daily life, because we believe that this is the right thing and what makes us better. Therefore, no more laws, no more rules, more education and better quality in harmony with nature.


Welcome Speech: 

Dear delegates,

Welcome to the Commission Animal Rights. The presidency of this committee will be led by Sebastián Sierra and Alejandra Alzate. This commission will discuss animals that are used on hard work and events such as circuses, bullfighting and corralejas. We are willing to help in anything you need and guide you to become a great delegate. The work, effort and dedication you invest will make this commission one of the most productive in the CSMUN Junior.

For more information:   
By: Presidentes de la comisión.

Portfolio- Format: 

-Para DEPARTAMENTOS- (clíck aquí)

INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS: (these questions are the ones that will help you prepare, the answers are the kind of information that you can include in your portfolio, in "Información de la Comisión")

-¿What rights do animals have, according to the ONU?

-¿Has Colombia accepted the treaty of Animal Rights, proposed by the ONU?

-¿What is the problem of animals in Colombia?

Lenguaje Parlamentario ENGLISH VERSION (clíck aquí)

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